How to Find a Perfect Treadmill

Working out on a treadmill is a great way to get into shape without having to go outside. While there is nothing quite like going jogging outdoors, there are some key things to note for a great treadmill workout.

Treadmill workouts allow you to work out a variety of muscle groups. You can even vary the incline to give yourself a challenge on more advanced machines. Automated inclines are more expensive.

Basic models will mostly likely have a manual incline. But if it’s budget you are after an incline is still more challenging than a flat treadmill angle.

If you want max results in a shorter time, step up the incline and increase your heart rate when you feel tired or when you’re ready to get more mileage out of a session.

Treadmills Offer Flexibility

Treadmills allow you to exercise anytime of the day or night. They are great for anyone who is unable to fit in the gym. Many models are portable, so you don’t have to worry about driving to the gym during the middle of the day or working out in the evenings.

You can wake in the morning, head to your garage or bedroom gym, get a regular training plan going, and start exercising at the same time every day.

Treadmills allow you to do workouts in any environment. If you live in a studio apartment or a cramped dorm room, you can still use a treadmill for a great cardiovascular workout.

If you’re living in a small home or apartment, you may not have the space to dedicate an entire room for exercise. As many brands have a spacesaver feature you can unfold your machine and get to work.

Advanced vs Basic Treadmills

As mentioned earlier more advance treadmills have better features. A good treadmill will allow you to choose a variety of incline levels. All automated of course. For example, you may want to try jogging on a flat gradient and then work up to a five percent incline, all at the touch of a button.

Treadmills are full of electronic toys these days like these here from NordicTrack. If you like technology and have the budget for a internet connected smart enhanced treadmill, you can tailor the incline along with a visual representation of the route, all via ifit.

Treadmills with advanced technological features have full HD screens that allow you to choose running routes. They even have workout classes featuring professional personal trainers.

Treadmills also have preset workouts that you can complete, or you can work in full manual mode, adjusting the speed and incline to your taste. You may want to work on to start your workout with some gentle jogging and then move on to some walking.

This allows you to keep a steady pace and not get frustrated if you’re unable to reach the end of a preset distance or time. If you like HIIT, you could also set up a series of intervals in between your treadmill exercises for some fun aerobic and strength training.

The type of treadmill you have also has an impact on how much time it takes you to work out. If your machine has a high running speed, fast responsive touch controls, and an incline, you can get the job done in less time.

Cheaper models won’t hold up to fast running and provide long lasting use. They also will not have good shock absorption which is essential for protecting your joints. No point getting fit and destroying your joints in the process.

It’s especially important to protect your joints as you age, and cheap treadmills haven’t faired well in this area.If you are serious about running, it’s true what they say, you get what you pay for.

Like Stats?

Treadmills that incorporate an electronic display also provide a better fitness workout. When using an electronic display, you can see exactly what your heart rate is while you’re working out and monitor your progress.

You can also see what speed and incline you’re currently working at during your treadmill workout. This allows you to adjust and improve your workout and monitor your progress.

All models have displays but some are better than others. Treadmills in the budget end just show an average reading of your speed, calories consumed, distance and bpm.

In the medium to higher tier price bracket, you can get nice visual representations of your route, pulse bpm monitors and wireless heart straps. Combined with the entertainment features of wireless enabled consoles you can browse the internet or watch workout videos.

One of the problems with modern living is excessive sitting. Sitting going to work in the car, sitting at work, sitting for dinner, and sitting watching TV in the evening. Having a treadmill at home breaks you out of the dangers of sitting, which is now being called the new smoking.

Having this machine at home allows you to get the much needed movement back in your life that your body is craving for.

Which Treadmill To Choose

Treadmills are becoming an important piece of exercise equipment because they are so versatile. They’re easy to store in a closet, store in a garage, or even in the basement. You can also take them along on a vacation or trip if you have the space.

Treadmills are easy to use, lightweight, and range from the inexpensive to the price of a small car. They can make a great gift for friends and family. You can choose a no frills affordable machine or go bananas and opt for a health club style model for the workout of your dreams.

If you are not sure what to choose just think about what you need.

These options will help you decide.

  • Short on space – choose a model with a spacesaver design
  • Want optimal joint Health – choose a low impact model with good cushioning
  • Want budget – choose. no frills model
  • Want power – for high speed running – choose a model with a 3.5CHP motor or above
  • Get bored easily- choose a model with iFit and a screen to connect to the net.

Want A Cheap Model – see our review of the Weslo Cadence or go budget with manual treadmills (fast walking only)

Want entertainment and spacesaving- see NordicTrack

Want a model for fast running and low joint impact – See the Bowflex Treadmill range or the 3G Cardio for Elite runners